Optimum Health, Posture & Performance
Connected Naturally

The Blackdown Hills, Somerset
Fiona graduated in 1994 from Palmer College of Chiropractic (USA) with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree and in 2001 became a certified Animal Chiropractor from Options for Animals (USA). She has continued her professional development in America and Europe. She has certified and studied under Spencer LaFleur in Advanced Whole Horse Dentistry and Natural Hoof care with Jaime Jackson.
She works with many different animals but predominantly horses, dogs and cats. The techniques she uses are gentle and most animals noticeably enjoy their treatment.
Fiona brings a unique quality and understanding to her work with animals.
She is gentle and precise with an ability to look at the cause of the problem either physically or emotionally by drawing on her skills and experience over the years.
Qualifications and Experience:
As part of continuing professional development (CPD) below are some of my own personal interests and experiences with the purpose of furthering my education and knowledge in the field of animal health and behaviour.
These qualifications and experiences do not necessarily reflect all of my own opinions and viewpoints but have helped me to create my own natural approach for optimizing health, posture and performance for our 4 legged family.
Doctor of Chiropractic - Palmer College of Chiropractic (USA)
Advanced Sacro-occipital Technique - SOTO Europe
Certified in Animal Chiropractic - Options for Animals (USA)
Certified in Natural Balance Dentistry - Studied under Spencer LaFleur at www.advancedwholehorsedentistry.com
Certified in Natural Hoof Care - ISNHCP, Jamie Jackson (USA) www.liberatedhorsemanship.com
Join up & Long Lining - Monty Roberts (USA)
Saddle Fit for Life - www.ergonomicsaddlefitting.com (UK)
Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation - Dreamchaser Ranch (USA)
Certificate in Handling the Young Foal and Stud Practice - Intelligent Horsemanship, Kelly Marks (UK)
Classical vs Modern Dressage - Dr Gerd Heushmann (Germany)
Animal Communication - Amelia Kinkade (Isle of Man)
Certificate of Advanced Canine Communication - Amichien Dog Listeners Ltd, Jan Fennell (UK)